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Overall our vision for Broadway-Fillmore culminates in a neighborhood that brings vibrancy to the community without compromising who makes up that community. With a variety of housing options, public space including green space Broadway-Fillmore should be a walkable, accessible, dense, thriving community that prioritizes amenities for those already living there and elevates their quality of life without displacement. The Broadway-Fillmore triangle will establish strategies to encourage sustainable development and will aim to avoid displacement to any existing residents. Denser development will allow for better community and neighborhood flow.

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VISION 1: Open spaces: Other Projects


Planning goals must be established to help solve the challenges faced in the Broadway-Fillmore neighborhood while using the existing community assets. First, the development of vacant land and maintenance of deteriorating structures must be priorities. Additionally, development from existing community members should be encouraged to mitigate displacement and meet the community's needs while providing opportunity to invite others in. Safe and well-maintained public spaces need to be created in this neighborhood to promote walkability and improve quality of life and health for residents.

List of goals 

  • Encourage development of vacant land and maintain deteriorating structures. Encourage development for community members 

  • Create accessible, safe public spaces within the neighborhood

  • More creative, diverse, and affordable housing options for families that also mitigates displacement and preserves community character.

  • Build more amenities 

VISION 1: Open spaces: Other Projects


Broadway-Fillmore will transform to a neighborhood that maintains its diversity while building amenities to better serve its residents and welcome new community members. Dilapidated structures will be repaired or replaced with new housing options and vacant lots will be developed into additional housing options and park space. Sidewalks will be repaired, greatly improving the walkability within the neighborhood and creating a connection between the landmarks identified in the community. Improved attractions will attract tourists and residents of Western New York alike to the Broadway-Fillmore triangle. Improved job opportunities will also be created for local residents.

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VISION 1: Open spaces: Other Projects
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The Broadway-Fillmore triangle has many streets and ample vacant land where new designs can help improve the various challenges that have characterized this neighborhood over the past several decades. A block within the triangle was found to have the most potential to implement new development due to its generous amount of vacant lots, the poor & uneven sidewalk conditions, and wide street dimensions. This block exists at the intersection of Paderewski Drive, Lombard Street, Peckham Street, and Gibson Street. During phase 0, several things can be implemented right away to activate the block for a time period until phase 1 is carried out. The interventions will bring attention to the neighborhood and spark interest in prospective residents as well as benefit the current residents. The vacant lots will be utilized to offer a community garden with raised beds and outdoor seating, as well as temporary greenhouses in the colder months. The north end of the block will offer a public art park to draw attention to the area, inspire young residents, and bring neighborhood residents and prospective residents together. The south end of the site will become home to a community park over time.

VISION 1: Open spaces: Welcome
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In phase 1, more permanent design interventions will be brought to life. This includes the implementation of single family and multi-family residential units and commercial space. The housing options range from small scale to larger scale with opportunities for individuals and families to own their own property or rent a unit. The mixed-use residential and commercial building at the north end of the block wraps the corner of Paderewski to front the mixed-use corridor. A multitude of scales and typologies will appeal to a wide range of buyers and renters, and will blend the scales from the mixed-use commercial corridor to dense neighborhood.

VISION 1: Open spaces: Welcome


There are five new housing typologies introduced to this block of the neighborhood that will suit needs of a wide range of diverse buyers and renters. These include a single family detached house with an accessory dwelling unit in the rear, a large scale single family detached house, a multiplex, a row housing building, and a mixed-use commercial and residential building with row housing at either end.

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VISION 1: Open spaces: About My Project


Streets are very important spaces that enable cities to function properly. Through integrating the design strategies proposed in this section, streets such as Paderewski Drive can be transformed to improve bike and pedestrian access and safety. These designs can also improve Paderewski Drive’s traffic calming, urban greening, aesthetics, air quality, urban temperature, public health, community development, and equity.  At a first glance, one can tell that the road, its surrounding land, and sidewalks have been neglected for a long time. However, there are ample opportunities to improve this streetscape as this block acts as a hinge between the Broadway Market and the Central Terminal. This street also has a massive width of 54 feet with a generous amount of open space, a key element that binds this neighborhood together.

VISION 1: Open spaces: About My Project


Below is a street-level three-dimensional rendering of what Paderewski Drive can look like tomorrow using flexible, small-scale development methods. According to the Tactical Urbanist’s Guide, projects like this are often treated as experimental to gather input on potential street design changes. Whether officially sponsored or not, these ideas are intended to act as “demonstration projects” where development is heavily based on using volunteers, other collaborators, and light budgeting. In other words, this is a great example of what DIY Urbanism could look like on Paderewski Drive. To make the full block shown, including all 8 crosswalks, and assuming this phase is done using only volunteers and the lowest cost materials, the total block will cost roughly $3,500 for bollards, planters, paint, paint materials, and stencils

VISION 1: Open spaces: About My Project


Phase 0 was a small-scale approach to neighborhood building using short-term, low-cost, and scalable interventions to catalyze long-term / sustainable change. What's shown in this section would be the next phase of development if Phase 0 proves to have successful results. Phase 1 emphasizes a complete redevelopment of Paderewski Drive. Sidewalks would be revitalized and made similar in width, buffers would be 6.5’ consisting of existing and additional trees and plants. Bike lanes would be protected by a 1’ buffer slighted extruded from the ground, and the center will become a previous strip of additional street lighting, trees, flowers, and other plants. If Paderewski Drive is redeveloped into this complete street, sitting adjacent to new mixed-use commercial development options, this street will catalyze this area as a place where development can start to flourish. Businesses and homeowners may decide to relocate to this area, pedestrians and cyclists will have safer and more aesthetically pleasing travel paths, storm water will feed the broad range of plant life that will improve air quality, and vehicular traffic will slow with smaller driving lanes.

VISION 1: Open spaces: About My Project


The section of Lombard Street designed is approximately 650 feet long and is currently a one-way residential street. Presently, the street is not dense and includes very little vegetation. The street is 26 feet wide and includes parking on both sides and a travel lane. The sidewalks are in poor condition and tree cover is severely lacking.

VISION 1: Open spaces: About My Project


Phase 0 calls for the addition of planters to slow down traffic and improve vegetation. Phase 0 also calls for the creation of street art at the corner of each end of the street. This ties into the improvements proposed for Paderewski Drive and Peckham Street. Lombard Street will likely always remain residential and these improvements take into consideration the current and predicted improvements to the neighborhood. The expected cost for phase 0 ranges between $3,600 and $10,500.

VISION 1: Open spaces: About My Project


Phase 1 includes more comprehensive street improvements. Phase 1 will include significant alterations to the street including the addition of 8 bump out areas to plant trees. Phase 1 also includes plans to install additional street lamps on both sides of the street. A community compost bin is proposed for the street which will encourage improved neighborhood connections and work towards sustainability goals.

VISION 1: Open spaces: About My Project


Peckham Street is a fairly unique street in the neighborhood. Between Memorial Dr and Fillmore Ave the street is a two-way, transitioning into a one way as the street goes West. The section of Peckham Street designed is within the two way portion, approximately 280 feet long and 40 feet wide, currently bordered by expansive vacant lots. The street is devoid of any traffic calming measures and lane markers, contributing to the unsafe environment by encouraging cars to speed through the block. The sidewalks are double the width of the residential streets of Lombard and Gibson, providing ample opportunity but due to poor maintenance the sidewalks are deteriorating and overgrown with weeds.

VISION 1: Open spaces: About My Project


The street has very clearly prioritized automobiles over pedestrians leading to the Phase 0 design. Phase 0 utilizes street parking and street planters to create physical barriers in an effort to reduce the driving lanes size by 18 feet ideally reducing speeding. Painted bump outs for the sidewalks take away from the parking dominated side streets and provide an opportunity for pedestrians to cross the street safely while establishing their right to the neighborhood. Phase 0 improvements can range between $2,153-$9,383 depending on the quality of the material and longevity of improvements required before implementing more permanent measures.

VISION 1: Open spaces: About My Project


Phase 1 improvements fully transition Peckham into a shared street, reclaiming the environment for pedestrians especially given the proposed park on the southeast corner of Peckham and Lombard from our neighborhood vision. The recommendations from Phase 0 are expanded on, with greenery replacing the street art for bump outs and street furniture creating a more welcoming environment for pedestrians and keeping excess water out of the sewers. The row housing on the north east edge of the street has reserved parking for each unit on Peckham to account for the lack of driveways with parking on the south west edge allowing access to the park while both contribute to reducing speeds. The most drastic change is the elevation of the existing roadway and use of the same paving material to blur the lines between “sidewalk” and “roadway” truly making the street a shared street.

VISION 1: Open spaces: About My Project
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©2021 by the Broadway-Fillmore Triangle team.

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